Actions carried out by Sport et Foi Saint-Etienne and NextMove Netherlands as part of the major sporting events 2024
in collaboration with the local associations Cheval Bienveillant, Vélo en Quartier and Terrain d’Entente.

From the first day, we planned a time for discussions and sharing on evangelization. It emerged that evangelizing is first of all giving love to others. This has been the thread of our joint actions all week. Bibles and prayers were presented to people (in town and at the beach of Saint-Etienne) as gifts and manifestations of love. Significant fact: the police even accepted that the teams pray for them.

Love was concretely shown to two local associations by cleaning their various places of activity.

Le Cheval Bienveillant is a Saint-Etienne association (recognized as being of general interest) whose aim is to offer moments of leisure and relaxation to people with disabilities who are accompanied by volunteers who keep them safe and horses who are very sensitive to disabilities. It is installed and carries out its activities at Solaure park.

Vélo en Quartier is a Saint-Etienne association which offers introductions to safety rules, cycling, inspection and repair workshops. It is established and carries out its activities in the so-called priority Beaubrun-Tarentaize district of Saint-Etienne.

Download the summary of all the activities of the week


Saint-Etienne Sport and Faith Activities during the Olympic Games
