Gift of 1 Million Prayers

International Prayer Connect (IPC) along with many of our international partners are collaborating to raise a gift of 1 million prayers from the worldwide Church, for France this Summer. So far, nearly 600,000 prayers have been pledged from 100 countries.

We all know that it’s not essentially about numbers… each individual prayer is precious, and each prayer is important. This is a practical and visible way for us to encourage the Church across France, and to demonstrate that we are standing with them as they step up to the challenges and opportunities that the main and para-games have provided.

We invite you to make a pledge on behalf of your church to pray with us over the next 30 days!

Thank you…

We appreciate that there are many critical situations around the world at this time, all warranting our intercession. Thank you for making time to also pray for Paris and the nation of France!

Every blessing,

Dr Jason Hubbard – Director

International Prayer Connect / Love France