Reflecting on the Journey in Saint-Étienne: Celebrating God’s Work During the 2024 Sporting Events

The summer of 2024 in Saint-Étienne was marked by a profound sense of community, unity, and service, driven by the collaboration between the local Sport et Foi Saint-Étienne team and the Dutch group NextMove. From Saturday, July 27, to Sunday, August 4, the city became a focal point for various initiatives that intertwined sport, evangelism, and acts of love, creating lasting memories and a meaningful impact on the community.

A Week of Intense Activity

The mission in Saint-Étienne featured a range of sporting events and community-driven actions, with a particular focus on engaging and uplifting some of the city’s most disadvantaged areas. Activities like soccer matches and the popular KidsGames were not just about physical engagement; they became essential tools for breaking down social barriers and fostering connections between the participants. Through sport, a universal language, people from different backgrounds came together, forming bonds that transcended cultural and social divides.

Love in Action: Evangelism and Service

The core of the week’s mission was built on the principle that evangelism begins with love. This foundational belief guided all activities, where love was demonstrated through both words and actions. The team offered Bibles and prayers to the people of Saint-Étienne, whether in the city center or at the local beach, as tokens of this love. A particularly impactful moment was when the local police accepted prayers from the team, showcasing the profound reach of their efforts.

Moreover, the team’s love was made tangible through their service to two key local associations: Le Cheval Bienveillant and Vélo en Quartier. Le Cheval Bienveillant provides therapeutic leisure activities for people with disabilities, while Vélo en Quartier focuses on promoting cycling safety and repairs in the Beaubrun-Tarentaize district. By dedicating time to clean and improve the facilities of these associations, the teams not only supported their work but also deepened their ties with the community.

Strengthening Partnerships Across Cities

One of the most crucial aspects of this mission was the partnership between churches and organizations, not just within Saint-Étienne but extending to other cities like Grenoble. The collaboration with Sport et Foi Grenoble was particularly instrumental. Grenoble’s team leader brought invaluable experience and expertise to Saint-Étienne, guiding the young volunteers and enhancing the effectiveness of their actions throughout the week. This partnership between cities exemplifies the strength and potential of collaborative efforts, where shared resources and knowledge amplify the impact of each initiative.

Testimonies and Spiritual Exchanges

In addition to the physical and service-oriented activities, the Dutch team engaged in spiritual exchanges by sharing their testimonies in local churches. These moments of sharing not only inspired the local Christian community but also reinforced the bonds between different congregations in Saint-Étienne. The culmination of these exchanges was the organization of KidsGames, which brought together numerous families, leaving a positive and lasting impression on the town.

Legacy of Love and Unity

The legacy of this week in Saint-Étienne is a testament to the power of partnership, both within the city and beyond. The local Sport et Foi team gained new insights and methods for engaging with the community through sport, thanks to the collaborative efforts with teams from other cities. The KidsGames, in particular, are poised to become a cornerstone of community engagement in Saint-Étienne, ensuring that the impact of this mission will endure long after the volunteers have returned home.

Looking Forward: A Prayer for the Future

As we celebrate the achievements in Saint-Étienne and reflect on the blessings of this mission, we are deeply grateful for what God has accomplished through these partnerships. The events of this week have brought hope, joy, and a strengthened sense of community, laying a foundation for continued collaboration and growth.

We pray for ongoing unity among the churches and organizations in Saint-Étienne and beyond. May God’s love continue to guide these efforts, and may the seeds planted during this mission grow into lasting change in the lives of those touched by these actions. We ask for His blessings on the work of Sport et Foi Saint-Étienne, NextMove, and all the collaborating teams, that they may continue to shine His light through sport, service, and love.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.