Last Saturday, ENSEMBLE2024 organised a special evening to mobilise the community around the initiatives to be put in place during the Games and to reflect on this summer’s experiences. The event, which was open to anyone who has a project or wants to get actively involved, was an opportunity to share ideas, plan actions and strengthen collective commitment in a spirit of solidarity and collaboration.

A convivial dinner and the sharing of positive experiences

The evening began with a moment of meditation on a Bible verse and prayer, followed by a shared dinner, providing a convivial and relaxed setting for exchanges. It was an opportunity for participants to connect, whether they were already involved or were discovering the possibilities offered by ENSEMBLE2024 for the first time. Discussions quickly turned to the highlights of the Games, in particular the atmosphere of openness and positivity that reigned in the city. The participants highlighted the moments they had experienced at the events organised by the partners, as well as the warm welcome in the Hub, where everyone had the opportunity to meet new people and enjoy new experiences. These testimonials underlined the importance of maintaining this welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.

Presentation of the Initiatives

Building on the lessons learned from the Games, the ENSEMBLE2024 team and partners presented the initiatives planned for the Paralympic Games period. These events include a celebration of disability sport in different venues, awareness-raising initiatives as well as worship and prayer events.

A Space for Discussion and Collaboration

The evening continued with a time of open exchange, where everyone was able to propose new ideas and discuss the best ways to contribute to initiatives during the Games. This interactive session yielded many creative suggestions and strengthened the community spirit within the group, encouraging participants to get actively involved in creating an environment as positive and welcoming as the one experienced during the summer. Whether volunteering, taking part in events or supporting the athletes, every gesture counts in making the Games a memorable and inspiring event.