A Call to Action: Mobilizing for Service During the Games

As we are getting near the end of the Games, there is still ample time to mobilize and serve during this crucial period. The spirit of unity and collaboration among the Christian community has been palpable, and it’s vital to keep this momentum going. The experience of working together, evangelizing, and spreading the message of hope and faith has brought us closer, and the impact has been significant.

Organized by ADD Ile de France

Since Tuesday, we’ve witnessed a remarkable gathering of more than 10 to 15 churches, coordinated by the Assemblées de Dieu (ADD) Ile de France, coming together with brothers and sisters dedicated to evangelization. This unity has fostered a spirit of mutual support, friendship, and a shared desire to work together. The vision for the region is clear: to see evangelists like Saïd, Yanis, Karim, Malik, Raphaël, and many others thrive and unite in their ministry.

Ongoing Training and Evangelization

Looking ahead, the goal is to offer regular training and evangelization sessions throughout the year. The idea is to host these sessions monthly, inviting churches from all over the region to participate. These gatherings will not only serve to strengthen the churches and sectors but also provide a platform for quality training and practical evangelization efforts.

Each session will start with a morning of focused, high-quality training. This will be followed by an afternoon dedicated to going out into the community to share the message of hope and faith. This approach ensures that participants are not only equipped with theoretical knowledge but also practical tools and experiences that enable them to effectively witness and evangelize.

Join the Mission

We invite everyone to be part of this spiritual and communal legacy. Whether you are a member of a church, an association, or an individual with a heart for seeing France transformed by the love of God, there is a place for you. Engage in prayer, participate in local events, and use your gifts to touch the hearts around you. Together, we can continue building on the foundations laid during the Games and look forward to a renewed France, united in faith and love in Christ.

Join us in this mission and become an integral part of a legacy that will endure well beyond the Games.