During their evangelism event in Paris, the participants from the Church of God experienced an unexpected but enriching moment. After getting off at Bir-Hakeim station to head to the Eiffel Tower, some members of the group had to queue to use the public toilets. Rather than waste time, the group decided to improvise a show on the spot.
They started playing the guitar, drums, and singing while the dancers began performing in front of the queue.

Their enthusiasm quickly attracted a crowd of curious and cheerful passersby, who started clapping and interacting with the evangelists. The police, initially puzzled, eventually allowed the group to continue as long as they didn’t sell anything.

This impromptu show lasted nearly an hour, generating numerous positive contacts and enriching discussions. This spontaneous initiative highlighted the importance of seizing every opportunity to share one’s faith, even in unexpected situations.

Written by the Church of God in France.