On Sunday June 30, 2024, at the Arènes de Lutèce (Paris 5th arrondissement) and with a motivated team, the Drapeau Blanc association organized a SPORT-SANTE event entitled “C.A.P.-F.O.R.M.E.”

C.A.P.-F.O.R.M.E. is a preventive health approach to physical and mental well-being.
The participant (knowing that women are more interested in health than men, why is that?) follows a path where he/she discovers practical health tips for everyday life.

Health benefits such as sunlight, diet, water requirements, the need for good oxygenation, the importance of rest, the mental aspect and the best of all with physical exercise.

A table entitled “Tableau thermomètre santé +/=/-” (Health thermometer table +/=/-) is proposed as a tool, with the participant following the international scales for one day and one week.

Then, using the table for a day and a week, she tries to set up her scales.

Our health is a daily habit.

We can all regain our quality of life, even after years of failure.
Drapeau Blanc can be contacted at drapeaublanc78@gmail.com and


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