Now that the world has turned its attention to this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic Games, organizations, ministries, churches and associations see an opportunity to engage with billions of sports fans. However, leveraging Olympic trademarks for promotional gain is legally complex. This article gives some more insight and shows good practices to navigate this area.

The Temptation of Olympic Publicity

To be noticed by billions in over 200 countries is enticing. However, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and National Olympic Committees (NOCs) strictly guard the use of Olympic trademarks. Only official sponsors can suggest any affiliation with the Olympic Games. Protected marks include symbols like the Olympic rings, mascot designs, and phrases such as “Olympic Games” or “Paris 2024.” We are limited to references to “the Games” only.

Understanding the Legal Landscape

Unauthorized use of Olympic brands can lead to severe consequences, including trademark infringement and false advertising lawsuits. Each country has specific laws. For instance, in France, infringing on the French National Olympic and Sports Committee’s (CNOSF) trademarks can result in criminal sanctions and financial penalties. The CNOSF, particularly for Paris 2024, owns terms like “Jeux Olympiques” and “Olympiade,” protected under ad hoc law no. 2018-202.

Avoiding Pitfalls in Olympic Campaigning

To avoid legal trouble while aiming for impact, organizations, ministries, churches and associations should follow these guidelines:

– DON’T use Olympic trademarks in promotional materials without authorisation.

– DON’T make direct references to the Olympic Games or imply any false association though images or wording.

– DON’T use or apply for trademarks resembling Olympic marks.

Carving Out Your Own Path

Successful ministry during the Olympics requires creativity and legal caution. Organisations, ministries, churches and associations must build distinct identities, steering clear of unauthorised affiliation with Olympic structures. By consulting IP professionals and following the rules and guidelines published in the official brand kit, you can effectively promote your ministry while respecting Olympic trademark protections.

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