The Love France website, supported by International Prayer Connect (IPC), marks a remarkable milestone: one million prayers have been raised for France. This project mobilises Christians from over 130 countries, forming a vast network of believers united by a common spiritual mission: to bless and support France. This worldwide movement bears witness to a deep spiritual solidarity, uniting voices in prayer, particularly at this time of national and international challenges, such as the 2024 Games.

A Global Response to a Spiritual Call

What makes this initiative particularly inspiring is the response of believers from all backgrounds, cultures and continents. The diversity of participants shows the extent to which prayer for France transcends borders. From America to Asia, from Africa to Europe, millions of prayers were recited, all carried by the hope of seeing France prosper, heal and remain united.

This project, initiated by the IPC, shows that beyond cultural or linguistic differences, there is a universal language: that of prayer. Believers are committed to bringing spiritual strength to a nation that needs it, in the face of contemporary challenges such as social, economic and environmental tensions.

A growing movement

The milestone of one million prayers is just one step. This impressive figure does not mean the end of the project, but rather the beginning of a new era of mobilisation. As the community of believers continues to grow, the movement intensifies, bringing ever more spiritual support to France. The aim is to never stop praying, to echo prayers that help heal divisions and tensions.

This prayer movement aims to reach all spheres of French society: from political leaders, to business leaders, to families and individuals. Every prayer is a brick added to the building of a better future for France.

How you can contribute

Whether you are in France or abroad, you are invited to join this wave of prayer. The strength of this movement lies in collective participation. Every prayer counts, no matter where it is recited, because it contributes to the vast network of spiritual support that surrounds France.

The Love France website offers a variety of ways to get involved: whether by praying regularly for specific themes such as peace, unity or the protection of the nation, or by joining collective prayer events. Tools are also available to encourage mobilisation in local and international communities.


As we celebrate this million prayers, we pay tribute to all those who have contributed to this spiritual success. But the journey does not end here. This symbolic moment reminds us that France needs our continued prayers to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.

The future of the Love France movement is promising, and together we can continue to strengthen this chain of prayer that unites believers from all walks of life. May this global movement be a beacon of hope and healing for France and for the whole world.

Join this international movement!
Visit the Love France website to find out how you can take part in and contribute to this vast network of prayers for France. Together, let us continue to pray for a future full of peace, blessings and unity for the French nation.