Are you ready to embark on a spiritual journey for the good of an entire nation? Welcome to the Prayer Marathon, a unique initiative dedicated to covering the city of Paris and all of France in a blanket of prayer during the 2024 Games. This initiative, running from July 26 to August 11, is a call to believers worldwide to unite in prayer and make a tangible impact on our world.

Who are we?

We are a network of prayer houses in Paris and the Île-de-France region, united since September 2023, with a common mission: to continually seek the presence of God and intercede for our nation. Inspired by Psalm 27:4, our vision is to dwell in the house of the Lord and behold His beauty, creating a perpetual space for worship and prayer.

Join us in person or online

Whether you are in Paris or another participating city, you can join us in person. For those who cannot be physically present, we have set up a live stream on YouTube, allowing you to participate and stay connected no matter where you are.

Why it matters

Inspired by the biblical story of Moses and Joshua fighting the Amalekites, we understand that victories are won both in the physical realm and in spiritual high places. Our role is to lift our hands in prayer, inviting the presence of God to flood the streets of Paris and beyond. This marathon is a powerful opportunity to intercede for our city and nation, proclaiming God’s peace and protection over the Games and all who participate.

Your invitation

We are excited to participate in this marathon with you, confident that God will act powerfully. By uniting in prayer, we believe we will see a transformation in Paris and a new outpouring of the Spirit of God. Join us in this divine race so that together we can have a lasting impact. It’s time for France!

To lead a prayer session, sign up at:

If you cannot join us in person, pray with us during the live broadcast:

Let’s cover Paris in prayer, one time slot at a time. See you at the marathon!

Participating prayer houses and initiatives:

Firebase France, Paris House of Prayer, The Secret Place, House of Honey, Paris Together, House of Perfumes, Tabernacle of David