Agape Art



Agapé Art is a chaplaincy for artists, Christians and those curious to discover more about the faith. The chaplains’ mission is to support and encourage this community.
On Thursdays at 10am, we hold prayer and spiritual sharing meetings at 50 rue Meslay in Paris, where everyone is welcome.

Pastoral accompaniment is available for artists who request it.
Exhibitions and artistic events are managed by the cultural association
Agapé Hub
50 rue Meslay 75003 Paris.

Create, Meet, Support

We’re passionate about creation, and we want to experience art as a challenge, an invitation to see the world around us differently. It’s not just a question of reflecting what’s inside us, but also of getting us to think about our relationship with others.

For us, art is not just a tool, but above all an expression of our inner being and our desire to live together. If we want to express ourselves and bring our art to life, we believe that creation must be shared.

Finally, Agapé Art is a collective of artists whom we support in their artistic development and personal needs.

Agapé Art meetings

Agapé Art offers mornings or evenings of Bible discovery and prayer on personal topics.

A service is open to all on Thursdays at 10am at the Agapé Hub, 50 rue Meslay, Paris 3eme. Find out more.


Date Time
23 February 2024 13h00

