Rise Outreach- Paris Belleville


RISE OUTREACH: teams will be working across France from July 20 for varying lengths of time, in partnership with local ministries and churches.

RISE means “to stand up”. RISE comes from the words spoken by Jesus’ disciples: “Jesus stopped and said, ‘Call him! And they called the blind man, saying to him, Be of good cheer, arise; Jesus is calling you.” Mark 10:49

At the end of the RISE GO CAMP, the teams will travel to different towns and regions of France to offer solidarity, artistic or sporting activities, events, etc. as part of RISE OUTREACH. The teams sent out will work in partnership with local churches and associations.
Teams will be available from July 20 for local missions of varying duration (from a few days to several weeks). Contact us if you would like to host a team.

Possible activities during RISE OUTREACH :
➣Organization of sporting events: Olympiads, Festivals, Kids Games, etc.
➣Organization of events: such as competition broadcasts on the big screen, street shows, barbecues, etc.
➣Solidarity activities: park cleaning, building renovation, etc.
➣Organization of activities for children: Quartier Libre program, games, fairs, etc.


Contact us if you would like to send a band to RISE OUTREACH .


Website: rise2024.fr

E-mail address: rise2024@fabricantsdejoie.fr

Instagram: RISE2024_KKI

Jambville: 1 rue des Tilleuls, 78440 JAMBVILLE





Date Time
20 July 2024 9h21

