My Experience with the Games and Outreach

My experience with the Games and major sports events, particularly in terms of serving and conducting outreaches with Friday Outreach, has been incredibly positive. The atmosphere during the Games is transformative. Typically, people are engrossed in their daily routines, hesitant to deviate from their normal lives. However, when the Games arrive, there’s a palpable shift in the air. People become more open, kind, and willing to engage. This change makes it much easier to connect with the local French people.

I’ve been to France several times, but recently, I witnessed an extraordinary openness. Just two nights ago, five French individuals accepted salvation within an hour and a half. Initially, they were resistant, citing language barriers and disinterest. However, once we began to engage, their openness was remarkable. Even a man from Hungary and two people from Egypt, who were Coptic Christians, were open to discussions about faith. The atmosphere here is one of freedom, joy, and expectation, making it easier to share our message.

Collaboration with Local Churches

Our connections with local churches have been vital to our impact. Without these connections, our mission would be impossible. Evangelism and discipleship go hand in hand; there’s no plan B from God. The collaboration we’ve experienced here, especially at the EP Center, has been a direct answer to prayer. We need the body of Christ – the pastors, counselors, and every believer – to work together. The diversity within our team, with people from different ethnic backgrounds and language skills, has been a tremendous asset. We have team members who speak multiple languages, making it easier to communicate and connect with a diverse group of people.

The Importance of Resources

Having resources in multiple languages, particularly French and English, has been incredibly helpful. Coming from Germany, we often struggle with the language barrier. However, the materials we’ve prepared, like the Olympic version Bible, have been well-received even by atheists, simply because of the Olympic branding. This shows the power of contextualizing our resources to the environment we are in.

Our Outreach Program

Friday Outreach is structured to equip and mobilize believers from all churches. Every Friday, we gather for training, addressing key questions about evangelism: how, where, and when to do it. We emphasize the importance of understanding and engaging with people genuinely, asking open-ended questions to truly understand their backgrounds and needs. This approach, focusing on listening as much as speaking, has been crucial in building meaningful connections.

During the Games, our outreach program intensifies significantly. Instead of just Fridays, we conduct outreach every day. Each morning, we start with a comprehensive training session, equipping volunteers with the skills and confidence they need to share their faith effectively. These sessions cover various aspects of evangelism, from starting conversations to answering difficult questions. After training, teams are sent out to different parts of the city to engage with visitors and locals alike. In the evenings, we regroup to share testimonies, pray, and prepare for the next day’s activities. This daily rhythm ensures that we maximize our impact during the Games, reaching as many people as possible with the message of hope.

Hopes for the Future

Our vision for Friday Outreach is to create a sustainable, ongoing movement. The Games have been a catalyst, but our mission continues beyond these events. We aim to unite churches in this mission, fostering a sense of family and unity among believers. The collaboration and unity we’ve seen here in Paris, even among different denominations, have been inspiring. We plan to continue meeting, training, and sending out teams for evangelism, believing that every Christian is called to this mission.

The Games have been a starting point, but our goal is to maintain this momentum until Jesus returns. We believe that through continued collaboration, training, and outreach, we can make a lasting impact. Thank you for this opportunity to share our experience and vision.

Written by Friday Outreach