This week, the city team of Saint-Étienne welcomed a team of Dutch university students. Working with the local ‘Sport et Foi’ team, these young people worked tirelessly to bring hope and support to one of the city’s most disadvantaged areas.

A week of intense activity

The mission, which ended on Sunday, was marked by a series of sporting activities designed to engage the local community. Sport proved to be a powerful vehicle for bringing people together and communicating, enabling the members of the Dutch team and locals to forge many bonds.

Testimonies and Spiritual Exchanges

In addition to the sporting activities, the Dutch team also spoke at local churches, sharing inspiring testimonies and strengthening links with the Christian community in Saint-Étienne. These moments of sharing culminated on Saturday with the organisation of KidsGames, an event that brought together many families and left a positive mark on the town.

Invaluable support from Grenoble

Grenoble’s team leader was on hand to provide support and expertise throughout the intense week. His experience was invaluable in guiding the young volunteers and maximising the impact of their actions.

A lasting legacy for Saint-Étienne

The local “Sport et Foi” team was able to observe and learn new methods of community involvement through sport. The initiatives carried out during the week opened up new perspectives for them, suggesting possibilities for development and bringing them closer to the city’s residents. The KidsGames, in particular, look set to become a key element of community engagement in Saint-Étienne, creating a lasting legacy that will continue to benefit the community long after the Dutch team has left.

In conclusion, this week’s mission in Saint-Étienne has demonstrated the power of sport as a tool for social transformation and human connection. Thanks to the international collaboration between the Dutch team and the local ‘Sport et Foi’ team, many local people were able to experience moments of joy and inspiration, strengthening the social fabric of this dynamic city.