from July 22 to 26, 2024, special live broadcasts were hosted from the Maison du Protestantisme in Paris, headquarters of the Protestant Federation of France and across the Paris region from the “Living Bus PHARE FM”.
From the Maison du Protestantisme, rue de Clichy in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, the floor was given to French and international athletes, able-bodied or disabled, chaplains and sports professionals who will address various subjects such as management of success, sport and faith, but also sports burnout or professional retraining…

Découvrez tous les interviews :

Through its “Living Bus PHARE FM”, the radio highlighted the initiatives of local associations and churches, involved in social actions, cultural events, and neighborhood sports gatherings throughout the summer .
Beyond the local or national aspect, the collaboration between PHARE FM and TWR (Trans World Radio) propels the project internationally thanks to its worldwide network of radio partners.

These will broadcast part of the programs, which will be translated into their national language with the help of artificial intelligence. Under the expertise of Jesper Noer of the Danish company Noerpol, AI played a crucial role in facilitating the provision of audio content in English, Spanish and Russian.

In partnership with the Protestant Federation of France, PHARE FM is preparing a program in co-production with Présence Protestante on France 2 which will be broadcast in August 2024.
In summary, this special week celebrates the 35 years of existence and 10 years of broadcasting in Paris of PHARE FM, with a captivating immersion around the world of sport, culture and spirituality.


Some photos: