Reflections on the journey in Nantes: Working Together for the Kingdom of God

The year 2024 marked a significant turning point for the Christian community in Nantes, Saint-Herblain, and the Greater West region. At the heart of the events was a deep commitment to unity and collaboration, enabling local churches to come together around shared projects, inspiring a new dynamic of fellowship and joint mission.

A Blessed Festival at Parc de la Carrière

Last April, capitalizing on the national excitement around the Games in France, several churches from Nantes and Saint-Herblain joined forces to organize a festival at Parc de la Carrière. This event brought together a team of about 30 people from various local churches, along with representatives from churches in Pontivy and Rennes. Thanks to training provided by the Grain de Blé France organization, this team was well-prepared to organize a festival that turned out to be a day full of blessings.

From the early hours of the festival, a great joy filled all the participants. The rain miraculously stopped, allowing the event to take place under clear skies. The encounters and exchanges were meaningful, but it was the collaboration between the different churches that truly marked the day. Together, they were able to share the love and joy that Jesus places in their hearts, offering a deep spiritual experience to the many visitors.

An Expanding Collaboration: The Sports & Leisure team

One of the outcomes of this festival was the creation of a “Sports & Leisure” team for the churches in the Greater West region. This team, consisting of a team trained in organizing festivals and other events, aims to support the region’s churches in their initiatives. Whether for sports tournaments, KidsGames, or themed evenings, the team is ready to step in at the request of churches to prepare and lead events in cities and neighborhoods across the Greater West.

The first concrete project of this new team will be a festival in Pontivy, scheduled for September 28, 2024. This festival will bring together several Catholic and Protestant churches in the city, with the support of members from the Greater West Sports & Leisure team. This event is a powerful example of how churches can work together to achieve a common goal, demonstrating Christian unity beyond denominations.

A Meeting for Unity

Alongside these events, a significant meeting took place in Nantes, gathering various churches and local organizations. The goal of this meeting was to strengthen relationships and plan future initiatives that align with the already established collaborative dynamic. The participants discussed strategies for working together in unity, pursuing the vision of joint service within the community.

Conclusion: A Promising Future

The events of 2024 in Nantes, Saint-Herblain, and the Greater West were not only moments of celebration but also milestones toward a future marked by greater unity among the churches. By placing their projects in the hands of the Lord, the participants are confident that these initiatives will continue to bear fruit and that the spirit of collaboration that emerged this year will continue to grow, bringing hope and transformation throughout the region.

Together, united in faith, the churches of Nantes and the Greater West move forward with confidence, ready to respond to God’s call to serve their community with love and commitment.