During the week of 27-31 August saw a series of events organised by Unite Paris, aimed at building community and engaging with the people of Paris.

On Tuesday 27 August, Unite Paris launched its outreach programme at the Bibliothèque François Mitterrand, where the team welcomed participants outside the mk2 from 4pm to 5pm. This first day provided an opportunity to make connections with local residents and share the Good News.

On Wednesday 28 August, the outreach moved to Châtelet, with a similar session from 4pm to 5pm. The exchanges continued in a different setting, with a positive response from passers-by and participants.

On Thursday 29 August, the team met in front of Épicentre and moved on in small groups to different locations in Paris, where the team was present from 2pm to 5pm. The day was marked by lively interactions and in-depth discussions, reinforcing the presence of Unite Paris in the neighbourhood.

Friday 30 August was particularly noteworthy. In addition to the outreach session at Saint Michel Notre-Dame from 2pm to 5pm, the team organised a special praise and prayer event in the evening. The theme of the gathering, which took place at the Epicentre from 7pm, was ‘Paris revient à ton premier amour’ (‘Paris returns to your first love’).
The evening attracted a large crowd, bringing together Christians from different Parisian churches for an evening of collective prayer and praise.

The week ended on Saturday 31 August with a final outreach session at Square du Temple, in the 3rd arrondissement, from 12 to 2pm. The event brought the week to a close on a positive note and strengthened ties within the Paris community.

Overall, the activities organised by Unite Paris were well received and succeeded in effectively engaging participants in various parts of the city. The evening of praise and prayer was particularly memorable, underlining the positive impact of these events on the local community.