A decade of sporting events

The journey of Sport et Foi Rhône-Alpes over the past ten years is a testimony to perseverance and vision.

Founders Couly and Philip, along with their team, have diligently built a trusted organization by staying true to their vision despite the challenges. Their success is largely due to the strong commitment of local churches to work together, supported by solid pastoral care.

Through sporting events, festivals and children’s games, they promoted unity and teamwork among the churches. Couly’s vision, inspired by ECSU training, and his challenge to sportsmen and women within churches, helped align their efforts towards a common goal.

Sport has played a crucial role in uniting churches and individuals, with the sports movement providing essential support and training. This has enabled the team to embody and propagate the values of the movement, enriching their mission.

Beyond sport, their efforts encompass social action and worship, creating a holistic approach to community involvement. Events are designed to have a lasting impact, ensuring that each activity contributes to a wider legacy.

The sense of accomplishment and beauty in their work recalls the biblical story of Zorobabel, symbolizing a community coming together to achieve something remarkable.
Taking advantage of the opportunity offered by this summer’s Games, the unity effort has intensified, going beyond the use of sport to reach a wider public. Sport et Foi Grenoble, in collaboration with Pastorale de Grenoble, has succeeded in bringing together several churches, associations and individuals. Together, they organize various events and initiatives to amplify the impact of the Lord’s work.